Category: Breakfast

Healthy Cooked Breakfast Ideas

Leftover ‘butter bean chilli stew’ from last night’s dinner can be used in numerous ways. Even for breakfast or brunch style meals. Regularly, I have a tendency to switch up dishes and turn them into another edible equation. Whether it be a sauce, dip, filling or stew. It suits the palate and escapes the humdrum…

Read more Healthy Cooked Breakfast Ideas

The Breakfast Stack

Purposely left for breakfast. The spare dorayaki – pancakes (click for recipe) layered with lightly panfried kale in lemon juice and sliced cooked tomatoes. A spoonful of guacamole on top, sided with panfried button mushrooms. Completed with an oozing poached egg on top. Ingredients:  3 x Pancakes 1 x handful of Kale- panfried with added…

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Blueberry Ginger Smoothie Bowl

Since it’s summertime, I have began to fall for the smoothie bowl phase once again, that struck me before as a substitute to the warm delicacy of creamy porridge with various nuts, seeds, fruits etc incorporated into the measly bowl. It’s a great way (as we all know) to use up any bits and bobs…

Read more Blueberry Ginger Smoothie Bowl

Greenery Smoothie Bowl

Pulverised banana, spinach leaves, cucumber flesh & lime juice simply poured into a bowl. Topped with muesli, sprinkled desiccated coconut and pumpkin seeds to kickstart the day. Serves 1 person Time: 5mins Ingredients: 1 x ripened Banana 1 x a small handful of Spinach leaves 1 x Cucumber scraped flesh insides 1/2 x a squeezed Lime…

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Breakfast Time: Grilled Smoked Paprika Kippers with Scrambled eggs, wilted Spinach & Mushrooms

This is one of my favourites for breakfast. An excellent source of protein for a morning wake up. Kippers-a whole herring basically sliced in half from head to tail, gutted, split in a butterfly fillet, either salted or pickled and then smoked. Serves 1 person Time: 15mins  Ingredients: 1 x pack of Smoked Kippers sprinkle…

Read more Breakfast Time: Grilled Smoked Paprika Kippers with Scrambled eggs, wilted Spinach & Mushrooms